Whether you're beginning your journey, ready to deepen your self-understanding, or aspiring to integrate and flourish in all aspects of your life, there's a path here for you.
Initial Session
$125 AUD / 90mins
In your initial session we map where you are and the possible paths to a more nurturing way of living. You emerge calmer, clearer and more able to take your next steps, whatever they may be.
A weekly online 45min rest class. The space to tune into you and recharge via the art of gentle rest.
Next season begins October 2024.
Next season begins October 2024.
A Season for You
$750 / 3 Months
We decide on a focus and spend the season exploring and nurturing it.
9 sessions to deep dive into the topic. 9 Rest + Renew classes to support the journey.
9 sessions to deep dive into the topic. 9 Rest + Renew classes to support the journey.
SOS Support Sessions
$100 AUD per hour
SOS Support Sessions are available after initial session.
They offer clarity, calm and compassion when you need it most.
They offer clarity, calm and compassion when you need it most.
Questions or feedback? Contact me here